Imagine a world where every booking confirmation and feedback request is automatically managed without you lifting a finger. Sounds too good to be true? Not anymore! In today’s post, we’ll uncover a powerful strategy that integrates automation into your business processes, focusing on sending email and SMS notifications for booking confirmations and feedback requests. Get ready to boost customer engagement and streamline your communications effortlessly.

The Magic of Email/SMS Automation

In the fast-paced world of today’s businesses, maintaining timely communication with customers isn’t just a nice-to-have; it’s a must. Missed notifications can mean missed opportunities or even unhappy customers. Enter automation – the perfect blend of technology and efficiency to ensure every booking confirmation and feedback request is seamlessly handled.

Automation eliminates manual errors, saves precious time, and ensures that customers feel valued through prompt and consistent communication. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the essential steps to set up such automation rules, ensuring your business runs like a well-oiled machine.

Setting Up Business and Location Email

Before diving into creating automation rules, it is vital to set up your business and location emails correctly. This foundational step ensures that all notifications, whether approvals or feedback requests, reach the right inbox.

  • Access the Admin Portal: Begin by logging into your Admin portal. From the main menu, navigate to Administration and click on Advanced Settings.
  • Configure Notification Email: In the Advanced Settings window, select Booking Service Settings. Under the Notifications tab, set your business’s notification email address. There’s no need to activate ‘Notify by email’ or ‘Notify by SMS’ options at this stage.
  • Update Contact Details: Still, in Advanced Settings, open the Business Profile list and update your location contact details, including the email address.

Customising the Customer Feedback Form

A key aspect of engaging with your customers is obtaining their valuable feedback. Setting up and customising the feedback form is essential.

  • Activate the Feedback Form: Under Advanced Settings, access the Booking Service Settings, then proceed to the Client Engagement tab. Ensure that ‘Show Rating’ and ‘Get Email’ are activated. Customise the feedback form to reflect your brand and specific feedback requirements.

Creating Automation Rules: The Process

Here’s where the magic truly happens – creating specific automation rules for different scenarios. Let’s explore a few critical ones:

Booking Approval Notification

When a booking request is approved, both you and your customer should receive a notification:

  • Create a New Rule: Navigate to Automation Rules in Advanced Settings and click ‘Create new Automation Rule.’
  • Event Type & Conditions: Name it ‘Booking Approval Notification,’ choose ‘Booking’ as the event type, and set the condition to trigger when the booking status is ‘Approved.’
  • Actions: Set the action to send an email to both the business and the client. Use provided templates or customise as needed.

Feedback Request Notification

To ask for feedback after a service has been rendered, such as when a booking status changes to ‘Seated/Processed’:

  • Set Up Another Rule: Similar steps as above, but this time name it ‘Feedback Request,’ and condition it to trigger on ‘Seated/Processed.’
  • Personalise the Email: Make sure to include the ‘FeedbackLink’ that directs customers to the feedback form.

Feedback Received Notification

Stay updated when a customer submits feedback.

  • Notification to Business: Create a rule named ‘Feedback Received Confirmation,’ triggered by a feedback status update to ‘Open.’ The action should send an email to the business.

Negative Feedback Notification

Address negative feedback promptly to improve customer satisfaction:

  • Automation for Negative Feedback: Create a rule named ‘Negative Feedback Received,’ based on feedback status and sentiment score being less than zero, to notify the business immediately.

Sending SMS Feedback Requests

Widen your communication channels by adding SMS notifications:

  • Customise SMS Notifications: Use the ‘FeedbackLink’ tag in the SMS template under ‘Feedback Request’ rule, ensuring customers can easily access the feedback form.

Conclusion: The Power of Automation

By setting up these automation rules, you can ensure that every booking confirmation and feedback request is handled swiftly and accurately. This not only enhances operational efficiency but also significantly boosts customer engagement and satisfaction.

As you embark on this journey of integrating automation, remember that the goal is not just to save time but to make every interaction with your business smooth and delightful for your customers. Implement these strategies today, and watch your business soar to new heights of efficiency and engagement!

So, what are you waiting for? Dive into your admin portal, and let the automation magic begin. Stay tuned for more insightful tutorials to keep you ahead in the game!

To watch the tutorial video on how to set up and manage automation rules, click on this MakeBookingOnline Automation Rules Tutorial link.