Feedback Management

Feedback Management

Elevate your customer experience with streamlined feedback collection, actionable insights, and automated responses.

In today’s competitive landscape, understanding your customers' needs and experiences is crucial for success. The Client/User Feedback module in the 'Make Booking Online' system is designed to seamlessly integrate with your existing setup, allowing you to gather valuable insights from your customers. Whether you’re looking to improve your services, respond promptly to customer concerns, or analyse trends to make informed decisions, our feedback module has you covered.

By leveraging automation, sentiment analysis, and customisable feedback forms, this module not only simplifies the process of collecting feedback but also enhances your ability to act on it effectively. From real-time notifications to in-depth reports, the Client/User Feedback module empowers you to turn customer feedback into meaningful improvements and stronger relationships.

Feedback Collection

Easy and Flexible Feedback Gathering

Feedback Collection

Customisable Forms

Customisable Forms

Tailor feedback forms to suit your business needs, ensuring you collect the most relevant information from your customers.

Seamless Integration

Seamless Integration

Integrate the feedback form directly into your booking process, making it easy for customers to provide input without any additional steps.

Automated Requests

Automated Requests

Automatically trigger feedback requests based on booking status updates, ensuring timely and relevant feedback from customers.

User-Friendly Interface

User-Friendly Interface

Provide a simple, intuitive feedback experience for your customers, encouraging higher response rates and more detailed input.

Feedback Notifications & Replies

Instant Feedback Alerts

Feedback Notifications & Replies

Real-Time Notifications

Real-Time Notifications

Receive immediate alerts when new feedback is submitted, allowing you to stay on top of customer experiences as they happen.

Custom Notification Rules

Custom Notification Rules

‍Set up automated notifications for specific types of feedback, such as negative reviews, so you can address issues promptly.

Automated Responses

Automated Responses

Configure auto-replies to acknowledge receipt of feedback, reassuring customers that their input is valued and being reviewed.

Two-Way Communication

Two-Way Communication

Enable direct replies to customer feedback, allowing for personalised follow-up and issue resolution within the system.

Analysis and Reports

Feedback Insights, Deep Understanding

Analysis and Reports

Sentiment Analysis

Sentiment Analysis

Automatically analyse feedback to gauge customer sentiment, helping you understand the overall mood and satisfaction level of your clientele.

Keyword Extraction

Keyword Extraction

‍Identify key themes and topics from customer feedback, enabling you to pinpoint areas of concern or praise quickly.

Detailed Reports

Detailed Reports

Generate comprehensive reports that break down feedback by sentiment, category, and other metrics, providing actionable insights at a glance.

Trend Analysis

Trend Analysis

Track feedback trends over time, allowing you to identify patterns and make data-driven decisions to enhance your services.

Feedback Actions

Proactive Response

Feedback Actions

Actionable Insights

Actionable Insights

Use feedback data to make informed decisions that improve customer satisfaction and business performance.

Automated Workflow Triggers

Automated Workflow Triggers

‍Set up rules to automatically trigger actions, such as sending a follow-up email or escalating an issue based on feedback content.

Archive and Manage

Archive and Manage

Efficiently manage feedback by archiving old or resolved feedback, keeping your dashboard organised and focused on current priorities.

Custom Action Plans

Custom Action Plans

Create tailored action plans for addressing feedback, ensuring that every piece of customer input is translated into meaningful improvements.

'Make Booking Online' focuses on

Centralised Management

Centralised Management

View, manage, and control bookings and waiting list requests in one centralised intuitive admin panel.

Customer Notifications

Customer Notifications

Send confirmation and reminder notifications by email or SMS and decreased no-shows.

Integrated Platform

Integrated Platform

Send customers directly to your custom page, take their booking and their payment in one seamless transaction.

Online Marketing

Online Marketing

Send promotion messages to your customers. Export your customer data to your preferred mail supplier.

Make Booking Online, Contact

Explore our Plans and Pricing

Ready to harness the power of customer feedback? Enhance your business today by subscribing to our Feedback Module.

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'Make Booking Online' is a centralised platform to manage

'Make Booking Online' empowers you with
more ways to connect with and serve your customers